Thursday, January 04, 2007

Brain teaser


发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 4 17:12:12 2007)

there are several solution with 4 times

but I only have one with 3

the key is to maximize the utility of the 3rd time by taking the advantage
of the fact that the scale has two sides.

First I show you


then you know it is one of the following three ordered sets

a: (1,2,3,4,5),(7,9).(6,8)
b: (1,2,3,4,5),(8,9),(6,7)
c: (1,2,3,4,6),(8,9, (5,7)

next I show you


since 1,2,3,7, are the smallest in (1,2,3,4,5), (7,9) and no other selection
could produce such an inequality, then you know we are in case (a) and know
the ball weight 7 and 9 now.

and now before you eyes, you know the left balls are ordered as
then I show you
since 1,4,6 are the smallest in each set, and 3 is the largest in (1,2,3)
then you know which is which~

I hope I made no error :)

My way of sorting them in 3 times.

1. a+b+c+d+e=f+i
You then sort them into 3 groups. (a,b,c,d,e) is (1,2,3,4,5); (f,i) & (g,h)
are (6,9) or (7,8)

2. a+b+f=d+e
Then you know (a,b) is (1,2), c is 3, (d,e) is (4,5), f is 6, (g,h) is (7,8)
and i is 9.

3. a+d+g=c+i
Then you got it.

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